Be a comeback kid
When you arrive on new land and it thrills and scares you to death all at the same time
Be a comeback kid
When new beginnings knock you face down in the dust
Be a comeback kid
When you’re lonely and think you made the wrong choice
Be a comeback kid
When your dreams run dry
Be a comeback kid
When you have to leave people behind that you love
Be a comeback kid
When you’re driving out of the city limits of the place you thought you’d call a forever home
Be a comeback kid
When you’re ashamed and feel like a failure
Be a comeback kid
When your world shakes and it scares the hell out of you
Be a comeback kid
When your heart holds anxiety as your lungs hold air
Be a comeback kid
When it seems like the entire world wants something from you and you let them down
Be a comeback kid
When you fall in love and hit the ground hard
Be a comeback kid.
When people show their true colors and it makes your heart bleed
Be a comeback kid
When resentfulness and anger knock you down day after day
Be a comeback kid.
When you make a mistake
Be a comeback kid
When healing is not an overnight process
Be a comeback kid
When all you want to do is run, stay
Be a comeback kid
When joy seems hard to find-
search for it,
do the hard work,
keep clearing out all the muck,
be a comeback kid.
because the world needs more comeback kids
